The list of cultivars for vg0136843188 with genotype A in the All Indica population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Sri_Lanka_1_ B013 Indica Intermediate Sri lanka ERS470231
Chengnongshuijing_ B201 Indica II China ERS470405
93072 CX4 Indica Intermediate China ERS470685
None CX461 Indica Intermediate None
Buyagaw GP524 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036772
SUWEON_311 IRIS_313-10000 Indica II Korea ERS468139
NATURAL_HYBRID_C33-8 IRIS_313-10520 Indica III Myanmar ERS469394
PAH_DI_MI_RAHK IRIS_313-11535 Indica III Thailand ERS468733
B_3913_B_16-20_ST_28 IRIS_313-11656 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468833
KHAO'_PAWM IRIS_313-11681 Indica III Thailand ERS468856